Protecting yourself from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is an essential part of maintaining your sexual health.
All of the sexual health items below are available for free at:
California Health Collaborative Hanford
206 W. 8th St. Hanford, CA 93230

External (Male) Condoms
An external condom or male condom is a thin cover that is worn on a penis during sex. They are made from different materials like latex, nitrile, polyurethane, polyisoprene, or animal skin. External condoms can used to protect against STIs during oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Lambskin or animal skin condoms DO NOT protect against STIs and only prevent pregnancies. You can purchase them in stores or receive them for free at clinics.
Internal (Female) Condoms
Internal condoms or female condoms are nitrile (soft plastic) based pouches that you put inside your vagina or anus. Internal condoms can be used to protect against STIs during anal and vaginal sex. You can get internal condoms prescribed to you from your primary doctor, clinic, or online.
Dental Dams
A dental dam is a thin, flexible, square piece of latex that is placed on the vulva or anus. Dental dams can be used to protect against STIs during oral (mouth to vagina, mouth to anus) sex. Dental dams may be hard to find but you can purchase them online. You can also create a dental dam from an external condom by cutting the tip, then cutting through the side to the center.
Lorals is a brand of stretchy latex underwear that is worn during oral (mouth to vagina, mouth to anus) sex. Lorals Protection can be used to protect against STIs during oral sex. You can purchase them online at
Finger Condoms (cots)
Finger condoms or finger cots are small latex covers that are worn on your fingers during sexual activity. They can protect against STIs during digital sex or “fingering.” You can purchase finger condoms at many stores and online.